International HPV Awareness Day - March 4th, 2023

Talk to your healthcare providers about getting the HPV vaccine and ask them about cervical screening

HPV is the human papillomavirus. Almost all of us will have HPV at some point and while for most of us it isn't harmful, HPV is linked to several kinds of cancer. HPV is associated with 630,000 cancer diagnoses around the world leading to 470,000 deaths, over 300,000 of which are due to cervical cancer.

Cervical screening detects HPV-related cancers and precancers, making effective treatment possible and vaccinating boys and girls can help us eliminate HPV and related cancers within one generation

On International HPV Awareness Day around 120 organisations deliver events and activities to raise awareness of HPV and one of them is the One Less Worry Campaign

International HPV Awareness Day 2022 Today, Check cervical and anal cancers elimination update